
Tuesday, October 23

Evaluating Professional Development

Today members of our cluster worked with Jan Hill from the education group. She referred to Guskey’s work on the Five Levels of Professional Development.
I wish I had seen this a week ago, it would have been useful in forming questions to aid our cluster review and planning for next year.
Hopefully you can use this framework when reflecting on professional learning in your school.

In short, the five levels are:
1. Participants’ Reactions- How did you feel about the pd?
2. Participants Learning – What knowledge and skills did you actually
3. Organisation Support and Change – How was the professional learning?
organised? resources, climate, procedures…
4. Participants’ Use of New Knowledge and Skills – What new knowledge
and skills have you applied to your teaching and learning programmes?
5. Student Learning Outcomes – What was the impact on students? Did it affect student performance or achievement?

Two tools I find useful for creating online surveys are survey monkey
and free online surveys. Survey monkey is really user- friendly but the free version limits you to 10 questions per survey.

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