Similar to the live part of ‘mathletics’. Players register and compete with others from around the world in maths and spelling games. The ability to register your class is an excellent feature of TutPup.

Is worth a look. I found some useful material under the classroom activities tab and the classroom posters tab. Check out the 'search tips for kids' poster and the overviews of ‘google maps' and 'google sketch-up’.

Internet Safety
It is great to see many NZ schools increasing the availability of hardware in classrooms. Alongside the increase in the use of ICT it would be good to see an increase in the integration of cyber-safe education.
Netsafe is doing a great job of providing engaging and appropriate resources to help us out.
This link will take you to their one page cyber-citizen pathway and this one will take you to accompanying activities for each stage that they are currently developing.
I'm a teacher in Brisbane at a school which uses Mathletics and after quickly checking out the Tutpup website I don't think it is fair to compare the two. The concept of the live Mathletics is brilliant and students seem to love getting on and competing with other students around the world. In comparison the Tutpup website looks amateurish... not meaning to big note mathletics... but my students love it.
The old apples and oranges argument.
Tutpup doesn't try to be Mathletics (live or the larger general curriculum part), nor are we part owned by Microsoft, and Tutpup after all, entirely is free. Yes, we may have a less 'Flash' design, but for something that is only 8 weeks old and still in beta, we seem to be doing somethings right - or at least our players, lots of schools and parents seem to think so.
Well, if you are enjoying NZ Maths week - check out www.mathletics.co.nz - completely free to enter and they've got a special offer on at the moment too!
Try www.smartkiddies.com its an Australian based maths website for primary school. totally free during school hours to classes. Has over 3000 teachers using as a free resource tool. Not sure if they have discovered it in NZ yet ?
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