
Monday, May 29

Microquests - Hard to Resist

There are lots of gems among Mark Treadwell's work. I am a regular visitor to his sites for up-to-date, NZ grown, resources.
Microquests are miniature versions of webquests. They usually focus on one higher level thinking skill and take small groups about 50mins to complete.
Check out the following link for over 50 examples of microquests:

An example:
Year level 2-4 Time for this activity is 30 minutes
Presentation Format: Power Point
Construct a "Diary of a Bear" making 10 entries over the course of a day in the life of a bear. Use the web site to find information that will help you to make your entries. You may want to talk about where you slept, what you ate, where you went . . . . . Present your diary via a Power Point presentation.

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