
Wednesday, November 10

Enhancing Teachers’ Take-up of Digital Content

Research designed to find out what works in helping teachers embed digital curriculum resources resulted in the publication of the following report: Enhancing Teachers’ Take-up of Digital Content: Factors and Design Principles in Technology Adoption by Professor Michael Gaffney.

This 2010 Australian-based report is a worthwhile 10 minute read.

I found the following diagrams particularly useful in communicating complex, multi-faceted ideas related to the challenges involved in technology adoption.

This continuum (Zhao 2007) describes how the roles of the teacher, the student, and the technology change as one moves from teacher-centred to student- centred Teaching. A useful conversation starter when considering teaching practice.

The next diagram un - packs the many factors at play when teachers adopt technology.
I considered this diagram particularly useful in informing the strategic planning process and in encouraging alignment between the contributing factors.

Click here for the full report.
Enhancing teachers' take-up of digital content: factors and design principles in technology adoption
Professor Michael Gaffney
June 2010

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