
Friday, April 18

Sharpening the Focus

Recently I attended an e-learning hui in Wellington. A key theme that emerged was the need for advisors to encourage teachers to take a discerning look at technologies in terms of their potential impact on student outcomes.

Below are some of the tools that I have found successful in my work with teachers :

1.Teacher Inquiry and Knowledge Building Cycle Teacher Professional Learning and Development: Best Evidence Synthesis Iteration- H. Timperley et al , 2007.
Great for ensuring that ICT use in guided by learning intentions. I often use this as a framework for goal-setting with teachers.

2.Guiding Questions
Murray Brown used these questions as a framework for adopting new technologies:
**Why Would You?
**Is it the preferred method?
**Does it complement?
**What educational problem or challenge are you trying to address with this?
**How are the networks working together?

3.Digging Deeper into Blogging
Thanks Fiona Grant for pointing out the awesome work of Konrad Glogowski, the blog of proximal development. Konrad ‘s viewpoint is that it is not enough to simply grow a blog, students must have opportunities to look critically at their own work and see how they fit into the class blogosphere.
Konrad makes use of a ‘ripple effect’organizer in an attempt to engage his learners in deeper reflective thought.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Hi Rocky. Just found your blog and your article "Digging Deeper into blogging" is just where I am at. Thank you so much for such a vibrant link!

Blogging is spreading like wild fire across our cluster and while it is great to see people so enthused I have been reflecting on the real impact this is having on learning. (Likewise with other new tools). Is it simply facilitating an exciting social connectedness where the social surpasses the learning? People are measuring the success of their blogs in the number of hits, the number of comments etc.

Konrad's article has left me tinkering... Thanks heaps.