
Monday, November 19

$$$ Discount for ICT Skill Development

This looks like a great deal for school staff and whanau especially if it is used as part of a varied e-learning professional learning programme and if staff are given time to utilise this tool.

The Ministry of Education, through the Software for Learning programme, has negotiated a special group rate for schools to subscribe to Atomic Learning. Basically Atomic Learning is a web-site that provides video training on a range of commonly used applications. The key learning in each application is organized into small chunk sized videos so to your needs can be met quickly.
To get a taste for Atomic Learning try out the free web 2.0 tutorials.
Costs: The normal price of Atomic Learning is NZD 1.85 per person per year, but the reduced group rate has the potential to reach NZD 1.50. In addition, the minimum cost per school has been reduced from NZD 1,100 to 600 (plus GST), and schools of less than 325 teaching staff and students can avoid the minimum charge by combining with other schools. All Atomic Learning subscriptions ancillary staff and parents receive free access.
This offer is good for orders placed in the month of November 2007.

For a limited time, you can access the full library of Atomic Learning software tutorials by using the information provided below.
Username: NZ
Password: atomic
For more information contact:

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